"Hello, World!"

My name is Paul Carr and I'm a web developer who just graduated from UNCC for their Coding: Full Stack Developer Bootcamp. I moved to Charlotte, NC this year and live here with my wife and two dogs.

About Me

Paul Carr

My name is Paul Carr and I grew up in Raleigh, NC and currently live in Charlotte, NC with my wife and two dogs. I went to Appalachain State University for an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science and UNCC for my Coding: Full Stack Developer Certification.

Upon graduating, I moved to Charleston, SC where I lived for five years as an enviornmental scientist. While in Charleston, I joined the United States Coast Guard Reserve and completed bootcamp before my wife and I moved to Charlotte for her job.

After moving to Charlotte, I took the opportunity of a fresh start to complete my 'A' school for the Coast Guard, be promoted to Petty Officer Third Class and look into other job opportunities. While I enjoyed the work I did as and enviorntmal scientist, I found the companies I did environmental studies for to be difficult to work with and the salary cap for my line of work to be limited. So I decided to invest in becoming a full stack developer, I've always been very interested in the field and I believe its empoyment field to have a vast varity of positions.

Contact me below!

Resume: PDF
LinkedIn: Paul Carr
GitHub: Carrpw
Email: Paul Carr
Call: (919) 633-2809


gif of password generator

Password Generator

This project prompts the user for how many characters they would like their password to be before prompting the user to choose which types of characters they would like in their password. Next the types of characters chosen will be stored in an array before a function choses enough based on the length requirements and then randomized. Finally they are joined into a string, placed into a variable and displayed on the screen for the user.

Deployed website at Password Generator

For the code, please see GitHub

gif of workday planner

Workday Planner

Set up a basic workday planner design by the hour between 0900 - 1700. I then used moment to display the actual time and made a loop so that I could display the current hour in the planner along with past and future via color coding them. I also made the text placed in each hour slot savable through using a button and local storage so that whatever the user inputs will stay even if they refresh, until they chose to get rid of it.

Deployed website at Workday Planner

For the code, please see GitHub

gif of workday planner

Getaway Planner

The web application was a collaborative effort with three other developers, that allows the user to search for the best places to eat, all the micro-breweries and the weather in an 8 day forecast. The application also records a history of your previously searched cities so that you can look back at previous cities to make a decision of where you may like to visit. I completed the sections that pull all micro-breweries from a database via an API call, as well as using local storage to save the users previous searches to the page.

Deployed website at Getaway Planner

For the code, please see GitHub

gif of constitution quiz

Constitution Quiz

The web application was a collaborative effort with four other developers, that provides the user a random constitution fact when they login to their account, provides an easy to search version of the U.S. Constitution, and offers a quiz to test the users knowledge that will record your score so that you may see your knowledge improve. My portion of the application was the creation of the quiz, the routes that allow it to store highscores to the database, and provide them in a react-modal for the user to understand how well they did on the quiz.

Deployed website at Constitution Quiz

For the code, please see GitHub
